New Venus Bliss Body Contouring
The first non-surgical laser lipo body sculpting technology that offers both fat reduction and skin tightening in one treatment! Launch Special: $1000 off any laser lipo/skin tightening package.

Venus Bliss offers three body contouring treatments in one platform to melt away unwanted fat cell, tighten skin, and decrease the appearance of cellulite. These treatments can be performed together and deliver great results with minimal discomfort. It is not uncommon to have all three of the treatments all on the same day.
Venus Bliss Permanent Fat ReductionWarm Sculpting
Fat reduction treatments with Venus Bliss™ are powered by laser technology within the laser lipolysis device. Using up to four applicators that are applied on the abdomen, flanks and/or thighs, energy penetrates deep below the skin’s surface where the fat is heated and broken down. After the fat is broken down, the body’s own lymphatic system carries it away over the next few weeks.
Fat reduction treatments with Venus Bliss™ are powered by laser technology within the laser lipolysis device. Using up to four applicators that are applied on the abdomen, flanks and/or thighs, energy penetrates deep below the skin’s surface where the fat is heated and broken down. After the fat is broken down, the body’s own lymphatic system carries it away over the next few weeks.
Clinically Proven Results
One study showed that 75% of the patients were satisfied with the results of their Venus Bliss™ treatments and would recommend it to a friend.
Comfortable Treatment Experience
As many as 90% of patients in the study reported that they found the treatment and the Venus Bliss™ machine to be comfortable.3
Safe for All Skin Tones
Technologies used in Venus Bliss™ are all proven to be safe and effective for all skin tones, including even darker complexions.
No Downtime
Return to your daily routine immediately after completing your treatment session.


Four Contouring Frames Customize Treatment for Each Client

Laser Light Energy Raises Temperature to Destroy Fat

Fat Cells Are Eliminated by the Body’s Lymphatic System
Venus BlissCellulite Reduction
Venus Bliss has a special hand-piece that uses multi-polar radio-frequency energy to non-surgically treat cellulite This state-of-the-art technology helps shrink fat cells to improve the appearance of bumps and dimpling. This type of radio frequency cellulite treatment is very comfortable and can be customized to target cellulite at any stage with no downtime.

Cellulite is a common problem that affects 90% of women. The dimpled texture of cellulite is often difficult to treat with diet and exercise. At Limelight Laser and Medical Spa, we offer a special state of the art solution to cellulite reduction by tightening and smoothing out the skin. By tightening skin, decreasing the fat, and stimulating collagen, Venus Bliss cellulite treatments reduce the appearance of the unsightly orange peel skin.
Venus Bliss Skin Tightening
Sagging skin can be hard to deal with, especially since it cannot be easily targeted with diet and exercise alone. Wherever you find it—under your arms, or along your waistline—loose skin is a struggle. In the past, surgical procedures or injectables have been the go-to solution for skin tightening. Fortunately, that isn’t the case anymore.
Non-surgical radio frequency treatments rejuvenate the appearance of skin by safely and comfortably heating the tissue under the skin’s surface. This triggers the natural production of collagen and elastin, the key building blocks of healthy, youthful skin. The result is effortlessly tighter, smoother, and younger-looking skin.

Before and after treatment. Courtesy of Suzanne Kilmer, MD
BioSculpt EMS/MMS Treatment
The BioSculpt is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that uses both Electro Muscle Stimulation (EMS) and Magnetic Muscle Stimulation (MMS) and EMS to creates hypermaximal muscle contractions that are not physically possible by a regular workout. These muscle contractions strengthen, sculpt, and define your muscles, as well as shrink fat.
30 minutes on the BioSculpt is equivalent to doing about 20,000 situps!
In seven independent studies with 200 participants, a series of four BioSculpt treatments resulted in an average of a 19% subcutaneous fat reduction, a 16% increase in muscle mass, and a 96% patient satisfaction rate. We recommend you do five treatments spaced 1 week apart for optimal results.
The Biosculpt treatment can be done on the abs, calves, arms, or buttocks, and it is popular with both men and women. For women, the treatment on the buttocks is a great non-surgical alternative to a Brazilian butt lift.
During treatment, the BioSculpt applicator will be placed on the treatment area which induces thousands of powerful muscle contractions over a 30 minutes period. The treatment is not painful, but the muscles being treated might feel like as though they are doing an intense workout. You can sit or lay down during the treatment, which has no downtime – you can continue your normal activities right afterward.

Body Contouring FAQs
Is Body Contouring Effective?
In a RealSelf survey, greater than 90% of patients are satisfied with the results of the SculpSure, TempSure, and Ultrashape Power treatments.
Am I a Candidate for Body Contouring Treatments?
Body contouring is ideal for people with trouble spots resistant to diet and exercise. Typically, ideal patients should have a BMI less than 32.
How many Treatments Will I Need?
Typically, optimal results are seen with 3–5 treatments spaced 2–4 weeks apart.
Is There Any Associated Downtime?
No, you will be able to resume your normal activities immediately after treatment.
Does Body Contouring Hurt?
No, many patients describe a warming sensation followed by a cooling sensation, but the treatments are not uncomfortable.