Our Services
MyEllevate® is a comprehensive jawline contouring procedure that offers the convenience of minimally invasive technology with long-lasting results approaching those of a full surgical neck lift – without the pain, downtime, scarring, or cost. Limelight MD is currently the only one to offer this innovative procedure in Cincinnati!
As you age, you may start to notice sagging skin on the lower face that affects the appearance of your jawline and neck, including jowls or marionette lines. Some people also have more fat deposits in the neck than others that may become more noticeable or sag due to normal aging, or have less-defined jawlines due to simple genetics. A surgical procedure like facelift or necklift may lift and tighten the skin, but you’re left with the same jawline. MyEllevate® is an innovative, cutting-edge approach to address these concerns by treating the underlying muscles and glands of the neck. This minimally invasive jawline contouring procedure involves placing special light-guided sutures to lift and support the neck structure and contour underneath the skin. Other approaches leave visible neck bands and droopy glands, scarring, or are more invasive and expensive with more downtime. The MyEllevate® procedure yields natural-looking, dramatic results without more invasive surgery or the more short-lived results of other procedures.

How Does MyEllevate® Work?
The procedure is performed with local anesthesia using the ICLED® Suturod®, a patented light-guided suture support technology which allows the accurate placement of sutures without incisions. The suture is threaded from behind one ear to the other using a one-millimeter needle, so there are only small needle punctures that heal seamlessly, and no incisions. During the procedure, Dr. Welden will place tiny holes near your platysma muscle bands to insert sutures around your muscles. Next, he will use a gentle technique and non-absorbable sutures to gently reposition the tissues, lifting your neck into a higher position. The entire procedure will take about one hour. You’ll be comfortable due to the effects of the local anesthesia, but awake. Dr. Welden may recommend another treatment in conjunction with MyEllevate® to maximize your results, such as SmartLipo if fat deposits in your neck are a concern. These procedures can often be performed back to back. The result is immediate elevation and strengthened underlying facial structures. You’ll experience minimal downtime with no scarring, mainly just some light bruising and swelling, and a more lifted facial appearance that will last 4-5 years minimum.
Real Limelight MD Results
Real MyEllevate® patient results performed by Dr. Welden at Limelight MD in Cincinnati

MyEllevate® FAQ
Am I a good candidate for MyEllevate®?
MyEllevate® is a safe and effective jawline sculpting procedure for many men and women. If the skin around your jawline hangs, you may be a good candidate for MyEllevate®. Ideal candidates for this minimally invasive lifting treatment are:
- Concerned about saggy jowls
- In overall good health
- Nonsmokers, or those willing to quit smoking for at least six weeks
- In their 30s-40s with early aging symptoms, or in their 40s-50s and just starting to notice the neck sagging
- Wanting a more sculpted jawline
How many treatments do I need?
Just one!
When can I expect to see results?
Results are almost immediate. You will notice an immediate improvement to the area, with final results visible in two weeks or so after the swelling and bruising has fully subsided.
How long do results last?
You can expect you MyEllevate® results to last for 5 years or more.
Can the procedure be used in conjunction with other treatments?
Yes! MyEllevate® can be used as a standalone procedure with fantastic results, or in conjunction a facial skin tightening procedure, chemical lipolysis (Kybella®) or submental liposuction. We have seen particularly great results on patients who receive MyEllevate® along with SmartLipo, which we also offer here at Limelight in Cincinnati. Treatments improving and brightening texture and reducing skin irregularities are also often combined with MyEllevate®.
What’s the difference between MyEllevate and a neck lift?
A neck lift procedure is typically performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. The cosmetic surgeon will make a small incision behind each ear, and depending on the patient’s needs, there may also be a third small incision underneath the chin. Through these incisions, he or she will tighten the neck muscles and/or underlying tissues and remove excess, sagging skin to restore a smoother, firmer, and more youthful appearance to the neck. Recovery time after a neck lift will depend on the individual, as well as the extent of surgery. Typically, patients return to daily activities within 2 weeks after surgery. The neck normally feels tight for a few weeks, with bruising and swelling. These effects subside gradually, with visible bruising typically gone after the first week, and that “tight” feeling remaining for up to several months.
The MyEllevate® treatment, on the other hand, is a minimally invasive procedure that requires almost no downtime. Unlike a facelift or a neck lift, the MyEllevate® procedure doesn’t require incisions or removal of skin and can be performed under local anesthesia in a surgeon’s office. Patients love it because it is a quick procedure (about an hour) and provides natural-looking results. Most patients experience rapid healing with only minor bruising and swelling.