Non-surgical Blepharoplasty
Dr. Welden and Limelight Laser and Medical Spa are now performing PlasmaPen treatments on the eyelids, crow’s feet, smoker’s lines, and other areas on the body.
What is Plasma Pen?
PlasmaPen, also known as fibroblast skin tightening, is a state-of-the art treatment that uses plasma energy to tighten and lift loose and wrinkled skin. This non-surgical procedure stimulates collagen tightening in the skin while improving skin tone, laxity, and texture.

What is the procedure like?
The procedure consists of using a plasma energy device (PlasmaPen) to make tiny dots of plasma energy spaced approximately 1mm apart. This highly controlled micro injury to the epidermis stimulates new skin and collagen growth over the next 7-14 days. The skin that is going to be treated is numbed for about 40 minutes prior to the procedure. The procedure takes about 30 minutes and is not painful with the numbing cream. During the procedure, we will make multiple tiny “dots” on the treated skin using a PlasmaPen device. After the procedure, you will look like you have small poka dots on the area which will resolve over about 3 days.

Following the procedure, it is important to use the regenerative nectar that is provided to get the best results. There is a period of 5-7 days when the skin is healing. After the skin has healed, you are left with rejuvenated skin that is tightened with fewer wrinkles.
Plasma Pen Treatment Areas

Upper Facial
The most common area treated is the upper and lower eyelid which gives results similar to a surgical blepharoplasty. Other popular treatments are an eyebrow lift, crow’s feet, and frown lines.

Lower Facial
PlasmaPen is also effective for vertical lip lines (smoker’s lines), smile lines, and mouth corners.

Some popular places on the body where PlasmaPen is effective are knees and loose sagging skin on the arms and neck
Plasma Pen FAQ
How many treatments will I need?
Typically, it takes two treatments to get optimal results. Sometimes, patients with fewer wrinkles can get away with just doing one treatment. The treatments are typically spaced six months a part.